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November 2017

Race Results

2017 Brooklyn Rock ‘N’ Roll Half


I declared Saturday: my fun race. There will be no talk of a personal best (PB). Just 13.1 miles of blood, sweat and cheers. My goal, this season, was to build a stronger foundation. A leaner, stronger, smarter runner. Along the way I lost a pound a week for 20 weeks. For now, speed took a backseat.

Thankfully the rain stopped hours before the race began. Unfortunately the humidity was high. Over 90%. Not great running weather. Before the sun rose, 10,000 runners gathered in front of the Brooklyn Museum. We were ready to run the 2017 Brooklyn Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon. It was my 7th half marathon. Under an ominous gray sky we took off down the closed streets of Brooklyn.

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