Monthly Archives:

January 2019

Race Results

2019 Fred Lebow Manhattan Half


Rain. Snow. Whatever. I was ready to run the 2019 Fred Lebow Manhattan Half Marathon. Winter storm be damned.

I will admit, running 13.1 miles in the freezing rain did make me rethink my running gear 2 or 300 times the night before the race. I decided to play it safe and wear 3 layers. I also downgraded my goals for this race:

  1. Have fun
  2. Survive

Besides me, it turns out over 3,700 other runners pulled it together that ugly morning as well. Together we huddled around the temporary corrals placed along Central Park West. Mother Nature graciously held back the heavy rain just long enough for all the runners to get in position, then POW! The starting gun goes off and the rain comes crashing down!

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